The Daily Gaze Advent

Hello, and howdy, TWP family! Today is the last day of November.
That means tomorrow is the first day of December!
Ready or not, we are thrust into the most wonderful time of the year…Advent!

Advent is a Latin word that means “coming” or “arrival.” Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas Day on the Church calendar and culminates on Christmas Eve. It is a season full of hope, expectation, and longing. 

Christians have observed Advent as a time to remember Jesus’s first Advent (His coming as a baby born in Bethlehem) and anticipate His second Advent (His triumphant future return). 

Click the photo above or any buttons to view and download the first-ever DAILY GAZE ADVENT GUIDE.

Feel free to share this with your family, friends, co-workers, classmates, neighbors, and church family. Please follow The Daily Gaze on Instagram (@thedailygaze) for more Bible verses and information on other devotional guides.

May we all make time and space to “fix our eyes on Jesus.” Peace and love fam!




100 Bible Verses